Zero Racial Disparities in Infant Mortality by 2033

FLOURISH 2.0 is in the next phase of our initiative aimed at bringing us closer to achieving our North Star – zero racial disparities in infant mortality by 2033. Over the last two years, it became clear that every barrier we explored negatively impacted Black families more than White families. Black babies are dying three times more often than White babies, and our solutions must focus on closing this gap. To do this right, we must shift how FLOURISH works – and bring the community to the center.

We have spent nearly a year determining the best way to work to achieve our goal of zero racial disparities in infant mortality. Now, we are changing how FLOURISH is structured to focus more on the community. A cabinet of community members will serve as the drivers of FLOURISH’s work. While community members have always been involved in FLOURISH, this new Community Leaders Cabinet elevates them to the role of primary decision-makers. Community members are critical, because they have the lived experience that will help us identify exactly where barriers exist, and what solutions can best overcome them, so we can achieve greater racial equity.

We are seeking community members to join the Community Leaders Cabinet. Applications are due by March 15, and more information is available here.