Zero Racial Disparities in Infant Mortality by 2033

It’s no surprise that the health of moms and babies was close to the hearts of members of the Junior League of St. Louis (JLSL). Last March, the women’s volunteer and training organization voted to adopt infant mortality as its impact-based initiative for the next five years. They are one of many groups in our community who are aligning their own outreach with FLOURISH St. Louis’ priority areas.

“For nearly two years, we reviewed a number of issues impacting our community to assess how JLSL could make a difference,” said Amy Mayfield, 2016-18 president of JLSL. “Ultimately, our members believed that we could have the greatest impact by focusing our volunteer time, dollars and advocacy efforts on our city’s smallest citizens.”


In less than a year, JLSL members have already taken several steps towards improving conditions for St. Louis families:

  • Jill Thompson and Kendra Copanas, with Generate Health – the backbone organization for FLOURISH St. Louis, attended JLSL meetings to help members understand the gravity of St. Louis’ infant mortality crisis.
  • Members wrote 270 Letters of Love to provide support and encouragement for new moms.
  • JLSL kicked off a diaper drive this fall, collecting 75 baskets full of diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream, bottles, clothes and other baby necessities for moms in need. Crisis Nursery, Our Lady’s Inn and Nurses for Newborns will distribute these baskets during the holidays.
  • In the spring of 2017, JLSL, along with the support of several corporate partners, will host a community-wide diaper drive on the steps of Kirkwood City Hall, building awareness of St. Louis’ infant mortality issue and encouraging the community to donate.

FLOURISH St. Louis looks forward to a continued partnership with JLSL as we work as a community to address infant mortality. Learn how you can help.