Zero Racial Disparities in Infant Mortality by 2033

FLOURISH’s Community Leaders Cabinet (CLC) is guiding the agenda for how we address the biggest challenges Black families face. To do this effectively, we are applying the Racial Equity Theory of Change, and are seeking a consultant to facilitate this process.

This work will include facilitating the CLC through the following components, as well as preparation for meetings/workshops with the CLC and any research or policy analysis that is required outside meetings/workshops:

  • Identifying and aligning on interim goals that will move St. Louis towards the North Star of zero racial disparity in infant mortality by 2033, based on a review and analysis of the history and primary drivers of infant mortality broadly and specifically of the racial disparity in infant mortality in St. Louis.
  • Identifying public policies, institutional practices, and cultural representations that support or impede progress around those interim goals
  • Mapping the local change landscape, including:
    • One or more interactive workshops focused on power analysis (i.e. who holds
      power, how to bring about change, etc.)
    • A review/synthesis of existing efforts to create change in the ecosystem
  • Assessing the CLC’s capacity and deciding on their desired role and intended impact.
  • Creating a strategy or strategy screen to guide future activities over the next 3 years.

Proposals are due by 12 p.m. on January 13. Applicants will make a brief presentation to the CLC in-person on January 29. Download the proposal for additional details.