We need you to take action to save St. Louis’ babies!
After extensive review of data and conversations with community members, health providers, and business and civic leaders, FLOURISH St. Louis is proud to announce its priority areas for reducing infant mortality.
We are forming Action Teams that will spearhead initiatives to improve the health of our moms and babies – and we need people like you involved.
Join us on Wednesday, November 30, from 4 – 6 p.m. as we introduce our five priority areas:
- Prenatal Care: Identify solutions to grow the use of health services during pregnancy to increase healthy and full-term births.
- Infant Health: Identify solutions to reduce the number of sleep-related, sudden and unexplained infant deaths in St. Louis.
- Health Communication and Navigation: Coordinate ways to increase community members’ connection and access to resources that support the health of moms and babies.
- Transportation: Work with transportation organizations to help families get easier access to health care and social support services.
- Behavioral Health: Work with local organizations to increase access to mental health and substance addiction services for pregnant and new moms.
Sign up to join an Action Team around one of our five focus areas, or nominate someone in your organization to join.